Resistance bands may be the solution if you’re on the move, can’t get to the gym, or simply want a solid resistance workout regimen that won’t break the budget.
Resistance Band Training Pros
These exercises may be done using bands, tubes, loops, straps, etc., but the principles remain the same. Instead of heavy barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells that depend on gravity to produce negative force, this workout uses rubber bands or tubes. These bands are like huge rubber bands that stretch to produce force. More force is available when the band expands.
Resistance bands, like rubber bands, have limitations on how far they can be stretched and how much strain they can create.
Resistance Band Training Pros and Cons
Colored bands and tubes help identify the bands’ strength, thickness, breadth, and length. Thicker or wider bands or tubes provide greater force and are tougher to stretch. Optional handles let you use multiple bands or tubes at the same time, which reduces the number of different bands or tube thicknesses you need.
For isolation exercises, use a narrower band than for training muscle groups. For example, use a large band to work the chest (like a chest press) and a narrow band to train the biceps alone (for example, when performing a one-arm biceps curl).
Resistance Band Training Cons
Resistance bands have both benefits and drawbacks. But I think the positives outweigh the negatives here. Although they may sometimes get away from you and hit you in the face, they are cheap, portable, and engage the muscles in a manner that other choices cannot. The bands have restrictions in terms of workouts, but not in terms of muscle count or intensity.
This easy regimen works most of your muscles in groups, with some isolated exercises for specialized muscles. Warm-up, stretch, and try it:
Warm up the shoulders with four (4) sets of 10 repetitions each of overhead presses. Form rules in this movement. Keep your back straight and your abs taut as you easily push through with both arms, or just one.
Step into the center of a tube or band. Lean forward with your hands facing forward and your elbows pointing downward. With your back straight and your abdominal muscles taut, push the handles or band loops straight above. Hands, elbows, and arms should be parallel to the shoulders. After 10–12 repetitions, rest for 20–30 seconds and repeat for a total of four sets. Higher band/tube/foot spacing provides higher resistance.
Chest Press with Resistance Band
Alternate sets of chest presses and low-rows Do four (4) sets of each, limiting yourself to 6-8 repetitions. Do 6–8 repetitions of chest press, then rest as needed to get into position for low rows. Super-sets are push-pull combinations. After one set of both exercises, relax briefly and repeat. Rest between sets, but not too long. Once you’re rolling, keep your muscles warm.
For a better grip, use a tubular band or a band with a loop. Push outwards with hands down and forwards, elbows in. As you extend fully, keep your hands parallel to the floor. After completing the suggested 6-8 repetitions, go to your set of low rows. A rep for 4 stets. Wrap the band or tube around your torso for added resistance.
A low row is performed with your legs straight out in front of you, with your band or tube looped over your feet and into the arch of your feet. Pull back on the grips as far as you can while keeping your arms tight to your sides and elbows in. Your hands should be facing each other.
After completing the suggested 6–8 repetitions, take a 30-second break before starting your next set of chest presses. A rep for 4 stets. Use a thicker band or tube or widen your leg separation for greater resistance.
Triceps Extensions and Biceps Curls With Bands
Alternate sets of Triceps Extensions and Biceps Curls. Get in four (4) strong sets of 6-8 reps each.
Step into the center of a tube or band. Bring the handles up to your shoulders, palms facing back, and elbows pointing up. With the spine straight and abdominal muscles firm, push the handles or band loops straight above, maintaining the elbows still. This exercise just moves the forearm, turning at the elbow. Keep your elbows close to your head and not out to the sides. After the prescribed 6-8 repetitions, immediately begin bicep curls. Higher band/tube/foot spacing provides higher resistance.
Step onto a tube or band in the center. Curl the handles up to a few inches over your shoulders, with your feet shoulder-width apart, palms facing forward, and elbows close to your sides. The upper arms stay motionless in this exercise, so only the forearms curl up by pivoting at the elbow. After completing the suggested 6–8 reps, rest for 30 seconds before resuming your triceps extensions. Higher band/tube/foot spacing provides higher resistance.
Band Squats
Then do Band Squats. Keep it to four (4) sets of six (8) reps. Form and control first. Throughout the exercise, keep the upper torso upright. Squat till your thighs are parallel. If you can, squat as low as you can comfortably. If the bands are too heavy, execute a regular body-weight squat instead.
Squats on a tube or band: Bring your handles up to shoulder level, elbows bent and pointing down. Sit straight down as though on a chair, halt until the upper legs (thighs) are roughly parallel to the floor, and stand back up. After six to eight repetitions, rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of four sets. A thicker band or tube provides higher resistance.
Finish with bent-legged sit-ups and alternate side planks to strengthen your core. These workouts are done without bands or equipment. Perform one or two sets of as many sit-ups as you can. Hold a side plank for 30 to 90 seconds on each side.
Bent-Leg Sit Ups
Bent-leg sit-ups: lie on the floor and bend your knees. Bring your feet back until they meet the tips of your fingers. Lift your upper body toward your knees with your fingertips behind your head. Only your abdominal muscles should “curl” your body forward (never pull the body up by pulling on your head with your clasped hands). If you find this difficult, cross your arms in front of your chest and try again. Then stretch your arms straight out in front of you and try again. Do as many reps as you want. If you suffer from lower back discomfort while doing this exercise, stop immediately and go on to the next core exercise (planks). Repeat for 2 sets.
Lean-to one side while sitting on the floor until your upper body rests on your elbow. Raise your butt and straighten your body until you are as straight as a “plank”. Position your arm straight up toward the ceiling and hold it for 30 to 90 seconds. Remain in this posture for 30–90 seconds, then slide forward to rest on the opposite elbow. One set. Then rest for a minute and repeat twice. During the “hold” component of the plank action, keep your head, spine, butt, and heels straight. Null If you can’t hold the plank for 30 seconds, kneel and draw your feet back toward your butt. In order to hold on for the 30 seconds you need to, do this.
There. You received a nice workout at a reasonable price. For about $30, I recently acquired handles and two tube bands (high duty and light duty). I may now utilize this equipment at no further expense. You may add bands or tubes as you develop strength.
This gear fits in my luggage pocket while traveling, my bottom drawer at work, or under my sofa at home. You can get great exercise while watching TV at night!