
Jacked Bicep Workouts Guide Huge Arms



The Ultimate Bicep Workouts Guide – One Stop Workouts To Gargantuan Arms!

Bicep Workouts Guide

Your arm muscles are among the most visible and prominent in your body. So, most bodybuilders naturally want big arms. And when it comes to arm muscles, biceps are arguably the most desired. So, how can you get powerful biceps? Read on for a thorough biceps training program.

Chest Anatomy

Of course, understanding muscle structure and function are essential to optimal muscular development. So it’s crucial to examine where your biceps are and what they do so you can properly plan your bicep exercise.

The biceps brachii muscle attaches to the radius of your forearm. It arises from two points on the scapula and goes along the front of the humerus. It makes up around a third of your upper arm’s muscular mass, with the triceps making up the other two-thirds. The biceps are named after their origins: the long and short heads of the biceps.

The brachialis and brachioradialis are also part of the biceps. These two tiny biceps muscles contribute to elbow flexion. In general, only bodybuilders who want to compete in big contests need to work out these two smaller bicep muscles.



Your biceps flex your elbow, bringing your forearm closer to your shoulder. A bicep curl is the best way to show this exercise. Your biceps also help you flip your hand from palms-down to palms-up. This technique is best shown with a rotating bicep curl. Beyond improving its function, training your biceps will also make your upper arm look better when it’s flexed.

Biceps Exercise

As previously stated, the biceps are a minor component of the upper arm. That’s why overtraining is always a risk. To prevent this, consider doing bicep exercises that are brief yet hard and concentrated. The fundamental curl and its variants in angle and location are the best workouts to enhance your biceps. There are two ways to work out your biceps: curls that are slightly inclined and curls that are done on a flat bench with your back on it.

A widespread fallacy in bodybuilding is that more exercise means quicker and larger muscular growth. In reality, 15 sets of exercises per training session may enhance muscular development potential. Many famous bodybuilders, like Clarence Ross and Steve Reeves, have confirmed this.

It’s not so much how much work you do, but how you train your muscles. When working out your biceps, focus on feeling every strand tense and reacting to the activity. Every repetition should also include a full contraction and extension since this promotes overall muscular growth. Resting between sets will also help you get the desired searing feeling. Complete all biceps exercises with your palms facing up for better-sculpted biceps.

Now you know where your biceps are and what they do. You also know how to properly workout your biceps. But, what workouts should you do to achieve a great set of upper arms? These are the top five bicep exercises.


Barbell Curl

This is the best compound biceps workout since it enables you to engage all of the forearm muscles, especially the biceps. If you want to have tank arms, you must include this exercise in your bicep exercises.

Prep for a standing barbell curl by loading a 45-lb barbell with weight and lifting it up shoulder-width apart, palms up. The bar should be in front of your hips, and your elbows should be tucked into your sides. Throughout the workout, keep your elbows still.

Begin by curling the bar up to your chin. Be cautious not to go too far and have your arms parallel to the floor. When curling, keep your biceps tight throughout the exercise. Don’t let the bar bounce on your hips at the end of a rep before beginning the next.

This exercise may be done with a 20–25 pound EZ bar or with a broad, medium, or narrow grip.

Dumbbell Curl Alternates

This is a basic workout that feels quite natural. Unlike practicing both arms at the same time, alternating enables you to put maximum energy into each arm. Preparation: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms straight at your sides, palms facing your body.


Begin with a hammer curl, then gently twist the dumbbell as it clears your body, palms towards your head. Slowly return the dumbbell to the beginning position and repeat with the opposite arm. Throughout the action, keep your elbows tucked into your sides.


This is a great workout for improving your forearms, biceps, brachialis, and brachioradialis. This is a great workout since most bodybuilders can do more hammer curls than regular curls.

Prepare for the hammer curl by gripping a dumbbell in each hand, arms straight at your sides, palms facing your body. Throughout the exercise, keep your elbows tucked.

Begin by curling the dumbbell as far as you can without moving your elbows. The flat side of the dumbbell should contact your shoulders at the end of the exercise. The workout is named after the action of striking a hammer. A hammer curl may be done with both hands or one arm at a time.

Rows with Supination

This is a wonderful workout for bulk growth. Rows allow you to utilize up to 200 pounds of weight, compared to 50-70 lbs for dumbbell curls or 120-150 lbs for straight bar curls.


To begin, grasp the bar with your palms facing up and your hands shoulder-width apart. You’ll need to either deadlift or pull the bar from a barbell rack. To do this, lean down slightly so that your upper body is practically parallel to the floor. A hint: pushing your buttocks back helps you maintain a strong core.

Begin by raising the bar until it hits your belly, then lowering it until your arms are almost completely stretched. As with the previous three exercises, keep your elbows tucked in to your sides throughout.


Many people believe this exercise is just for the back, but it is also one of the best bicep exercises to incorporate if you want to bulk up your arms. Keep your hands close together and utilize your biceps to elevate your body. This workout can help you gain biceps bulk if you weigh between 150 and 220 pounds.

Find a straight bar that you can reach easily from a standing posture. Now grab the bar with your hands facing in. Place your hands four to six inches apart on each side of your chin. If you can perform weighted chin-ups, cross your feet and insert a dumbbell between your ankles. Another option is a weighted belt or a pair of plates.

Begin by pulling your chin above the bar, or at least level with it. It’s critical because a rep isn’t considered complete until your chin is at least as high as the bar.


The Best Bicep Exercises

To avoid overtraining, limit your bicep exercises to two days per week. These exercises may be continued for as long as it takes to reach your ideal bicep size and shape. Depending on your results, you may opt to change the exercises included in your training sessions. Changing the intensity may also help stress the biceps.

The tactics you utilize may also be changed to suit your energy levels and muscle recovery. The weight you use may also be adjusted to the number of repetitions required for each exercise. Less repetitive activities demand heavier weights, whereas high rep exercises require less weight.

On your first day of bicep workouts, you should do eight to 12 reps of each of standing bar curls, incline dumbbell curls, one-arm preacher curls, and hammer curls in three sets. Remember to take a little rest before each set to better activate the targeted muscles. After the tenth repeat, wait for around 15 seconds before starting another exercise.

On day two, do 12–15 reps of standing bar curls in three sets and 12–15 reps of hammer curls in two sets. The second day of your biceps exercise regimen must be reduced intensity to promote quicker biceps development without overtraining. Studies reveal that to maximize development, every muscle group must be exercised every three to five days. Because your biceps are indirectly worked during your back and chest exercises, they need more relaxation. That’s why novices should only exercise their biceps once a week and expert lifters should only train them twice a week.


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